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RE: Shōgun 2024 Impressions after episode 1 / Shōgun Wrażenia po 1 odcinku.

in Movies & TV Shows3 months ago (edited)

Hey, no worries, real life can be complicated. I really know litle about Japan, but their culture has always facinated me. I can tell you that the author was a prisioner of war in Japan during WWII and aftherwards he move to Japan for quite some time. So I imagine he knew well the culture and the people.


Mate, I know a little about Japan (also not much, but I'm less modest, I guess :P) and you can see that it fascinated you. You see the nuances too well and that cultural differences are not that simple. Yep, it's true - you learn quickly in such places. I have heard many stories about American soldiers captured by the Japanese. I don't envy it, it's terrible.

😂😂, I would really like to get to know Japan first hand one day. I´m fascinated not just about japan but about the diversity both cultural and natural we live in. I´ve also reacently move out of my country, I guess that have made me more sensitive to cultural differences. Every war history is terrible on any side, war its a dreadfull thing. Not that makes any real difference but James Clavel (the author) was Australian. Nice to chat!

I just re-read my answer and it looks like a shoping list 😅😅sorry about that!!!. Have to work on my english!