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RE: Shōgun 2024 Impressions after episode 1 / Shōgun Wrażenia po 1 odcinku.

in Movies & TV Shows3 months ago

I´m very happy If I make your day better, even if it was just for a momment. I´m Also sorry If somehow I make you feel like I was trying to say you were criticizing the japanese culture, I was not trying to. I was just stating my thoughts about how different our culture were and still are. There are of course things that I don´t share either. But since we came from a very different cultural background and time its almost impossible for us to understand the moral structure and why they did things that way. For instance their relationship with dead and honor its far different than ours. And that change everything with regard to the samurai-daimio relationship and also regarding to the kamikaze. But if we look closer the differences in this are more about form than content. Cuz we westerns also send our sons to war knowing that many of them won´t return. Western generals ofthen have to sacrifice soldiers in battle for the sake of the strategy. The examples are severals.
Nice to chat about these topics. Thanks.


No, everything is alright. I'm just direct and I like to use too strong language, so I thought I was exaggerating (which often happens :P).

No worries, I also tend to used strong languages too, and since english its not my first language (as I think its your case also), I ofthen can´t explain myself very well.

Yep its not xD.

👍 so You can understandme better when I say people ofthen don´t understand me😅.