Venom was supposed to be on No Way Home, two Dr Strange 2 news, an interview with Vincent Donofrio, SheHulk in Avengers? + new skin for Black Widow, Space Brothers is slowly ending, The Irregular at Magic High School, Jujutsu Kaisen 0, Tsurune

in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago


In the original script, Venom was scheduled to appear at the end of No Way Home.

[Changes in Dr. Strange 2]
In connection with the premiere of the third Spider-Man movie, some changes have been made to the sequel with Dr. Strang.

[Dr. Strange 2]
We got an article promoting America Chavez.

The actor who plays the role of Kingpin in "Daredevil" and "Hawkeye" would like to appear in other series, such as the spin-off about Echo.

[She Hulk in the Avengers game]
It's just a rumor so far, but maybe the owners of the game will get She-Hulk soon.

Speaking of this game, Black Widow skin hit the store on December 30th.

[Space Brothers]
One of the best titles that the Japanese have come up with will enter its final phase this year. The comic book author announced that he will start the final arc this year. It may take 2 or even 3 years more, but at least we have reached another "check-point". Hopefully we'll get a preview of Season 2 soon, and a possible Season 3 will end the story soon.

[Jujutsu Kaisen 0]
Mappa studio has published a new poster for the film.

[The Irregular at Magic High School]
There will be a new season

In summer, a new animated film will be released in Japanese cinemas.

W pierwotnej wersji scenariusza, Venom miał się pojawić pod koniec filmu "No Way Home".

[Zmiany w Dr Strange 2]
W związku z premierą 3 części filmu o Spider-Manie, wprowadzono pewne zmiany do sequela z Dr Strangem.

[Dr Strange 2]
Dostaliśmy art promujący postać America Chavez.

Aktor wcielający się w rolę Kingpina w "Daredevil" i "Hawkeye" chciałby wystąpić w innych serialach, np. spin-offie o Echo.

[She Hulk w grze Avengers]
Póki co to tylko plotka, ale być może posiadacze gry dostaną niedługo She-Hulk.

A skoro mowa o tej grze, to 30 grudnia skin Black Widow trafił do sklepu.

[Space Brothers]
Jeden z najlepszych tytułów, jakie wymyślili Japończycy, wejdzie w tym roku w ostatnią fazę. Autor komiksu zapowiedział, że rozpocznie finałowy arc w tym roku. Ten może trwać jeszcze 2, a nawet 3 lata, tym niemniej przynajmniej osiągnęliśmy kolejny "check-point". Mam nadzieję, że w związku z tym dostaniemy niedługo zapowiedź 2 sezonu, a ewentualny 3 zakończy całą historię.

[Jujutsu Kaisen 0]
Studio Mappa opublikowało nowy plakat do filmu.

[The Irregular at Magic High School]
Będzie nowy sezon

Latem do japońskich kin trafi nowy film animowany.


Venom appeared after (or in the middle of) the credits. He'll be in the next one.

I heard he went back to his own universe in Spiderman movie, so I dont think so ;P

Which Spiderman's universe would he be from? It has to be this one, right? And Venom did actually appear after the credit for No Way Home, so it would be very strange if he wasn't featured in the next one.

I don't know how it is, because I haven't seen this movie - I just heard that Venom doesn't show up here anymore, because in this post-credits scene he was rejected.