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RE: [ENG/ESP] CONTEST: Who is your favorite actor and actress? / CONCURSO: ¿Quién es mi actor favorito y mi actriz favorita?

I love Rachel in both her dramatic roles and the comedies she has worked in. She is beautiful and I still hope she gets a role in the future that makes her stand out more. Adam Driver I hated in the last Star Wars trilogy, but he is an excellent actor who has proven his talent in many other films. A Marriage Story is a great movie and one of his best performances.

I invite you to visit the community feed to interact with other users who post about movies and series. Remember that eive is a social network and interaction is important and a point to value in the contest.


I have never watch any SW movies, but I started to know a bit more thanks to Driver, and you are right, he is a excellent actor and I can't wait to see him on other films navigating in diffrents genres on film and TV.

Rachel is still my one to go, you can literally have it all with her when it comes to an actress craft. Thanks for stopping by. Have a awesome weekend!