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RE: Propuesta laboral - Labor proposal 📃

A month ago I tried to watch a Korean drama and on the first episode I stopped at about 18 minutes in. I've been having a hard time getting hooked on these productions. It's also influenced by the fact that I chose one set in a high school and the characters were teenagers. Well, the characters because the actors are probably adults. Everything you mention that is repeated in many of these productions is what also keeps me from appreciating them. I have one on my list that I'll try to watch, but I've been lazy to start it. That's going to be my last attempt, if it doesn't hook me, no other Korean drama series is going to. hahaha.


¡Es que tienes que intentarlos con los correctos! Con algunos más serios y para un público adulto, porque del resto solo está dirigido a personas jóvenes que se ilusionan con facilidad con estas historias que sabemos son más falsas que... No sé. Jajajaja
Pero bueno, por lo menos sirven para los bloqueos.