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RE: Aftersun (2022): one of the best movies of the year | una de las mejores películas del año

in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago

I like this story, it appeals to me because I have a daughter and the father-daughter relationship is very important in my life, so just like what happened to you, just seeing the poster and reading a little bit appeals to me, plus, you comment that it's the best you've seen this year so it should be taken into consideration.

I like it when a film doesn't need a big budget to be good, just performances and a good technical work developing a good story.

Thanks for sharing your opinion


I also like it when a film doesn't need a big budget to be good and that's why I love independent and international movies. And yes, it's one of my favorites movies of this year so I'm sure you're gonna enjoy it, even more so because you have a daughter.

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