Movies & TV Shows Community Highlight #895

in Movies & TV Shows2 months ago
Authored by @namiks


Hello! As part of our ongoing efforts to improve both interaction and curation in the Movies and TV Shows Community, this post is one of many to highlight and boost members of the past week that have posted what we believe is exceptional content.

The Details

Each week, our Moderators will monitor the posts within the Movies and TV Shows Community and handpick the ones that are believed to stand out under numerous factors: post quality, length, and subject.

There are no entry requirements, and this is not a contest, but simply a roundup intended to provide additional exposure to all of you for your efforts. Just have fun posting in the Movies & TV Shows Community and five or more posts will be chosen frequently.


Author: @naath

Film Review: I Used to Be Funny (2023)

Sam totally withdraws from Brooke's life although she always remembers her and keeps thinking about what she could be doing being so young and the dangers in the world especially for a twelve year old girl like her. In the meantime she spends her days with her two best friends who lent her their home so she could recover from being abused and encourage her to go back to doing comedy with them who are also in the business. We can see that for a person who was a victim of sexual abuse it is very difficult to accept that it was not her fault that she had to go through that, that she did not do something "wrong" to be in that situation and that fear is something constant in her life even though the person who did this to her is in jail, I can't talk about something I haven't lived through but it must be extremely difficult to go through this and to have to process it and try to restart your life in a normal way without it continuing to affect you in every aspect of your life, that's how post-traumatic stress feels, you are always thinking that at any moment it could happen and that it will be your fault for not knowing how to deal with such a horrible situation.


Author: @edwarlyn11

Review ||LA CASA DE PAPEL- T1 || Netflix Thriller Movie (2017)

One of the most remarkable things is undoubtedly the mastermind behind the whole plan, "the professor", as well as the members of the team that in order not to reveal their identity must wear over names and masks, all this with a background scene towards their goal on a paper scale... literally because they will produce paper bills ironically from inside the house and with the same workers without the authorities can do anything about it.


Author: @seki1

Oppenheimer Movie Review 💣⚛️

We get to see just how the subject of Morality and Duty in science clash in these scenes. It's emotionally draining to watch and still at the same time refurbished your mind and gives you a new sense of respect for science as a whole.


Author: @ladyunicorn

Immaculate, Mi Opinión Honesta (Con Spoilers)

I admit that my interest was awakened when Cecilia vomits and they interrogate her to find out if she has been with a man before or after taking her vows, I think they handled that situation very well and knew how to dose the information little by little so that the viewer, even knowing what was going to happen, would be surprised to learn that she was pregnant just as Mary conceived Jesus.


Author: @yonilkar

Uno de mis soundtracks favoritos de películas 🎼 Harry Potter y la Orden del Fenix

For example, it has that essence of showing off its mischief while trying to uncover the mystery that the room of necessities holds, this is quite controversial, as they search for the students and not finding them creates a very descriptive situation through music.


Author: @danielcarrerag

Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes: Was this really necessary?

As for the characters, the standout is the human woman, Mae, portrayed by Freya Allan. She’s unlike the sympathetic humans from previous films. Mae acts in her own interests, never forgetting that humans once held supremacy. Her determination drives her to collaborate and reclaim that dominance.


Author: @nanixxx


Kamikaze. That's how you can define Leonardo Di Caprio (in his role as Dom Cobb), an expert in penetrating people's subconscious and stealing their secrets. How? Through shared dreams. And the point is that it's not about lying down to sleep, going in, stealing and that's it, but about achieving a complex architecture, by dream levels even, in which you will have to do more than just steal a piece of information... and it will be much more than dangerous: there is a real possibility of being left in a limbo or a loop... shall I let you discover it there? Yes. I can't tell you about the film.


Author: @musicandreview

First impressions of "A Quiet Place: Day One" (English subs)

I leave you with the trailer of this interesting movie so you can familiarize yourself a little more if you don't know what this story is about. Also, I invite you to watch the video to know my expectations and first impressions immediately after I saw the movie. I'll read them in the comments box and we'll be glad to talk about it. Greetings!


Author: @eldiariodelys

My review of Bridgerton || Mi crítica sobre Bridgerton 🌻✨

One of the complicated elements of Bridgerton is its abundance of characters. And yes, several of these stories are significant to both the current and future plots, but don't lose sight of who the real protagonists are. There are so many external stimuli, details that do not add importance to the story, that it diverts your attention, making it difficult for a moment to understand what is going on, especially if you have not read the books (as most of the audience has).



Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.

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Thank you very much for including me and highlighting my post. Have a nice weekend ;)

 2 months ago  

Have a great one!

Thank you so much for including me and always supporting my post 😊🧡

Excellent selections of the day, congratulations to each of the featured for sharing quality content within the feed of this space.

A big hug for everyone.