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RE: Soul | Movie Review (Eng - Esp)

in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago

This movie is one of the few animated classics I would consider. Maybe it was because of its soundtrack.

It does center on the mistakes we humans make in life; the mistake of existing rather than living. It is very easy to make mistakes, especially when one does not take moments to reflect on what matters the most and to be grateful for what one has.

Joe chased after his one dream and that alone, nothing else. When the opportunity to realize his dream finally presents itself, he seizes it at all cost. But on achieving his dream, he sees nothing else beyond that and is now left in a void. Unfortunately, he dies and his whole life is presented before him. Now he realises how he never lived, only existed.

At the end of the rope, there is the other individual that fears living. 22 is a representation of another type of person, contrary to Joe. Joe wanted to live his dream, but at all cost. 22 did not want to live at all because he saw no point in it, and he avoided it at all costs.

I basically learned that one needs to see the essence of living to truly live. However, it is very easy to miss the mark and wind up just existing. In everything, balance should be imperative in every decision and choice we make.

This film is one that teaches a valuable lesson. And it does so in a very subtle yet entertaining manner.

This animation is definitely one that I can see over and over again and still continue to love every part of it. Every detail in the movie was brilliant, and I give kudos to the entire team that brought it to life.

Well done with the review, and thanks for sharing.


👏🏾👏🏾 Well said my friend. Thanks for reading