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RE: Parche Adams, médico de la risoterapia / Patch Adams, doctor of laughter therapy

in Movies & TV Shows3 years ago

It's true, he lived each character deeply. All his films were great. Every performance he did, he did it with his soul. Did you see "Beyond Dreams", where he dies in a car accident?

I thank you very much for your beautiful comment, I loved it. Thank you for your words.


I did see that, yes! I think it's called "What Dreams May Come" though. And Good Will Hunting, of course, is one of his better roles. Did you see "1-Hour Photo" in which he played the creepy photo developer villain? That's an interesting one. Or "Toys" is an older obscure flick that's worth a watch. :)

I did see that, yes! I think it's called "What Dreams May Come" though. And Good Will Hunting, of course, is one of his better roles. Did you see "1-Hour Photo" in which he played the creepy photo developer villain? That's an interesting one. Or "Toys" is an older obscure flick that's worth a watch. :)