
It's true, he lived each character deeply. All his films were great. Every performance he did, he did it with his soul. Did you see "Beyond Dreams", where he dies in a car accident?

I thank you very much for your beautiful comment, I loved it. Thank you for your words.

I did see that, yes! I think it's called "What Dreams May Come" though. And Good Will Hunting, of course, is one of his better roles. Did you see "1-Hour Photo" in which he played the creepy photo developer villain? That's an interesting one. Or "Toys" is an older obscure flick that's worth a watch. :)

I did see that, yes! I think it's called "What Dreams May Come" though. And Good Will Hunting, of course, is one of his better roles. Did you see "1-Hour Photo" in which he played the creepy photo developer villain? That's an interesting one. Or "Toys" is an older obscure flick that's worth a watch. :)