Exploring the Depths of Horror: A Haunting Review of 'Hidayah

in Movies & TV Shows9 months ago

Hey there, everyone! I'm excited to be joining this fantastic community, and I can't believe I didn't stumble upon it earlier. Movies are my absolute jam, and I'm genuinely thrilled to start contributing and bonding with fellow film enthusiasts. Today, I'll provide a review with minimal spoilers, ensuring you can relish the movie without any major plot reveals. But enough with the intros; let's get cozy and dive headfirst into our movie talk!

Movie name: Hidayah
Genre: Horror
Release year: 2023
Country: Indonesia
IMDb Rating: 6.7

Plot and Story :

"Hidayah", directed by Dedy Kopola and Monty Tiwa, is an Indonesian film that delves into themes of faith, redemption, and supernatural occurrences. The movie follows Bahri, a young ustadz (Islamic religious teacher), who moves to the city in an attempt to leave behind a troubled past. However, Bahri's past comes back to haunt him when his friend Hasan visits from their hometown, Mekarwangi Village, seeking help.

Bahri: Main character

Mekarwangi Village is in the grip of a supernatural disorder, which the villagers attribute to Ratna, an old friend of Bahri. Ratna is gravely ill and her tormenting screams disturb the village every night, accompanied by the appearance of a sinister supernatural figure. Bahri returns to his hometown, hoping to resolve the crisis, but he soon realizes that the danger is far greater than he imagined.

Ratna possessed by evil entity

Even after Ratna's death, the occult disturbances escalate, claiming the lives of villagers. Bahri is wrongfully accused of being responsible for the chaos, and his past as a prisoner is exposed, leading to his expulsion from the village. To save both himself and his village, Bahri embarks on a journey to rediscover his faith and find the guidance needed to confront the supernatural forces wreaking havoc on Mekarwangi.


The film effectively combines elements of horror, spirituality, and suspense as it explores Bahri's inner turmoil, his quest for redemption, and his struggle to protect his village from supernatural threats. The plot keeps viewers engaged with its unexpected twists and turns, and the backdrop of Mekarwangi Village adds an eerie and mysterious atmosphere to the story.

My Views:

"Hidayah" had a profound impact on my viewing experience, leaving me with a mix of emotions and a lingering sense of unease. The film's ability to create spine-tingling moments and evoke genuine fear is a testament to its effective storytelling and execution.

It's really a heart-touching scene

The movie succeeded in sending shivers down my spine with its well-crafted scenes. The presentation of the sinister supernatural figure and the unsettling moments of Ratna's torment were particularly haunting. These chilling sequences, combined with the eerie atmosphere of Mekarwangi Village, left a lasting impression.

What added to the overall sense of dread was the fact that I watched "Hidayah" alone, with no one else at home. The isolation heightened the intensity of the film, and I found myself immersed in its world of suspense and supernatural terror.
The portrayal of the devilish spirit in the film was terrifying and expertly executed, adding an extra layer of horror to the narrative. The sense of vulnerability and isolation that Bahri faced in his quest to save the village resonated with me, making the movie's suspenseful moments even more impactful.

Don't look at me like that

This scene gives me goosebumps

After watching "Hidayah," I couldn't help but feel a lingering sense of unease, and I found myself double-checking the dark corners of my home. The film's ability to stay with me long after the credits rolled is a testament to its effectiveness as a horror thriller.

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Performing ritual for the devil

In the end, "Hidayah" not only delivered a thought-provoking and engaging story but also succeeded in delivering genuine chills and thrills. It's a film that left me with goosebumps, and the unsettling feeling stayed with me as I navigated my empty house, reminding me of the power of well-crafted horror cinema.

I hope you find the review enjoyable, and please share your thoughts after you've had a chance to watch the movie. I'd love to hear about your experience!

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I'm a passionate movie enthusiast who enjoys a wide range of genres, from biographies to action, adventure, and horror. Watching movies is more than just a hobby; it's a true passion of mine. I'm committed to sharing in-depth reviews to help you discover the best films to watch and avoid wasting your time on the ones that don't quite hit the mark. Stay tuned and join me in building a vibrant community of fellow movie lovers. Together, we can explore the world of cinema and make informed choices about what to watch next. Your support means the world to me, and I'm excited about the great cinematic discussions and recommendations that lie ahead!


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