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RE: Binge On This - Babylon Berlin: Sociopolitical Tremmors in the Weimar Republic

I think it should not be too hard to find it on a good torrent site. Maybe not dubbed, but with English subtitles for sure.

Thanks for the comment and the wine! You know, I have been sort of reluctant to offer you !BEER , even the virtual kind, with you being Rasta and all. But since you are obviously not opposed to virtual wine, here's to you! Cheers! ;-)


Haha, virtual intoxication is okay, but I would be in full support of a Club Soda or Tonic Water token. Until then I'll use wine and beer. Thanks my man. By the way, Srey-Yuu (@KidSisters) finished her markdown post, and I'll be publishing it for her in a little while after checking for any major mistakes.

I'll be sure to make a post about my markdown techniques in the near future, and I'll show some more challenging markdown methods.

Awesome! I'm excited! :-)