Pet Sematary [another interesting horror film]

in Movies & TV Shows3 years ago

Hey friends!
It's time to review another film that I watched recently. I really enjoy watching horror or thriller films. Most people don't like it and even comment that they usually don't have an interesting plot, but I think otherwise. Well, not all because there are some horror films like that, but so far, I've watched several horror films with interesting plots. This time, I want to share my thoughts on a particular movie. The movie I'm talking about is entitled, PET SEMATARY.

It's originally from a Stephen King book, and it's one of the reasons why I decided to watch it. While reading more about it before writing this up, I got to know that there was a previous movie adaptation of the same story in the past... way before I was born and most of the articles or blogs said that it was much better than this new one. Well, I can't compare since I haven't watched it... and I have not read the book either.

Basically, this review is going to be fresh since I don't have anything to compare it with. Let's get started!


What is PET SEMATARY about?

Well, the story revolves around the life of a family who left Boston and transferred to a much rural place to live in. The family consists of the father, Dr. Louis, his wife Rachel and their kids, Ellie and Gage.

They were somehow trying to live a much better and relaxing life, thus the transfer. However, they discovered that there's a pet cemetery just a few meters from their property. Well, is that the only thing that's there? There's more to it than just the pet cemetery.


Here's a picture of Ellie when she first discovered the pet sematary a few meters from their house.

Before I give my opinion, please check out the trailer that I'll share below.



It's pretty unique, I may say. I find the story interesting although there are some parts that I'm not sure of. There were some side stories mentioned in the movie which is entirely different from the main story, however, I think it would be much better if they're connected or at least an explanation. Well, there's a certain scene in the movie which can make you conclude something, but I'm personally interested with the side stories as well and I wanted it to be shown even more in the movie. All in all, it was still an interesting story that you can enjoy and be curious about.


I wanted to know more about Rachel and her sister. It seems very interesting, but it wasn't really explained well in the film. There were just a short flashback. This makes me want to read the book. xD

The Characters


Dr. Louis and their neighbor, Jud

The creation of these characters was solid, in my opinion. They're individually interesting but I must say their neighbor Jud is my favorite. He's not really one of the main characters but he played a vital role in the story. I can liken him to a bridge... the bridge that would take the other characters to a place they have never imagined.

Ellie, the little girl, was also a really amusing character and I believe the little actress that played her did her best to portray the character of Ellie.

There's this character I'm curious about, though. He often showed up as a ghost and only the little boy Gage can see him. I wanted to know what his purpose was, but his character in the movie was a bit blurry. Perhaps if I read the book, I'd understand his purpose more. XD

The Jump scare

One of the most important part of watching a horror film is how effective the jump scares are. And so far in this film, they're quite good.

Most of the time, there's like a thrilling sound before a jump scare... but I always think, silence is more effective because you can't really anticipate it that much for it could just lead to another ordinary scene.

One of the best jump scare in the movie was shown in the last part of the trailer. I've watched the movie first before the trailer. lol And even though I know what to expect, I can still feel my heart leaping.



All in all, it was an interesting film for me. I won't say it's the best horror film nor the best adaptation film from Stephen King's books... but it was still entertaining. However, if I read the book or watched the original movie, I might be a bit disappointed. Oh well, we can never tell.

I'll end my review here. Thanks for checking it out! See you in my next movie review... I'm still looking for some interesting ones, though. Until then~! <3