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RE: 🎥🩸X (2022) | MOVIE REVIEW [ENG - ESP]

in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago

X is one horror movie that I haven’t seen because it belongs to the slasher sub-genre. I love horror movies but I don’t really like slashers. Still I can’t ignore the hype around the movie. I’ve heard a lot of good things about it and you’re confirming that it’s really good with your review. I guess I have to see it especially with Pearl getting released in a few weeks. I can’t miss out on this!


I used to dislike slasher horror, but now I'm obsessed, specially with this one. Maybe it is because I'm not the most objective guy and I'm totally obsessed with Mia Goth, but this movie was a good tribute to old slasher movies, and I liked it. Plus, I am very excited for Pearl, the new movie. Hope you like it as much as I do.