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RE: Everything Everywhere All at Once 2022 Review(It doesn't get weirder than this)

After having read it completely, it seems a bit confusing, but also interesting, the multiverse called my attention, also those nuances of thinking about the past and that everything has a great connection.

I might take the time to watch it, I like movies that leave something in our minds, I think that has a lot of value, although I would have to watch it twice as you did, to understand it a little more and have everything clearer.


 2 years ago (edited) 

The concept of the multiverse was also what made me see this movie. It's really interesting but it can get overwhelming sometimes. If you see this movie there will be times when you will just wonder what is going on. I had to pause a few times and rewind to get some details.

If you have to then see this movie twice. I see almost every movie two times before writing a review but this one was on another level for me. It had a lot in it that ultimately tells the story. No wonder many people did not like it.

All in all, the movie is entertaining, sad and funny at the same time. You really should give it a watch.

Than you for your comment on my post :)