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RE: Contest 2.35 What do you do with ...? And announcement of winners./ Concurso 2.35 ¿Que haces con...? Y anuncio de ganadores.

in CCC4 years ago

Thanks @wakeupkitty for noticing and letting me know.

Thanks for your support.

I think there are so many publications, that it is difficult for them to see many talents and it escapes them.


@gertu If it comes to it we all struggle with time, reading entries. It takes a lot of time. ❤️

Esa es la idea de publicar y comentar para mi. La reciprocidad es muy importante. No deberíamos estar dispuestos a leernos, si estamos todos juntos??

That is the idea of ​​posting and commenting for me. Reciprocity is very important. We shouldn't be willing to read each other, if we are all together?

@gertu I believe if we decide to spend time here we should be here and support each other.
If you are busy you have no time for Steem.

Quiero delegar a hive. puedes darme la conección para hacerlo? @wakeupkitty por favor.