
jajaja tendrá que aparecer alguien y testificar que se encegueció con una mariposa. En mis años como médico jamás vi un paciente ciego por mariposas. Y aquí en mi ciudad en los tiempos que estuve pequeña solíamos correr atrás de las mariposas. Habían muchísimas. Las agarramos con nuestras manos y nunca nos lavamos las manos como previsión. Hasta que crecí y yo me entero que tenía que lavar mis manos después de agarrarlas jajaja.

@marblely hahaha someone will have to appear and testify that he was blinded with a butterfly. In my years as a doctor I never saw a patient blinded by butterflies. And here in my city when I was little we used to run behind the butterflies. There were many. We grab them with our hands and never wash our hands in forecast . Until I grew up and I found out that I had to wash my hands after grabbing them hahaha.

Hehe.. now we know! Gracias @gertu! I now believe we were told that, to make sure we stay out of trouble :D

Quien sabe @marblely, quien sabe!!

Who knows @marblely, who knows !!

Hahaha! 😂 I love this exchange of thoughts. Well, that's what we were told. I think it's an ancient folklore that old folks use to scare kids. Hahaha! 😂

But I have looked into it, and this is what I've read:

"No, moth dust can't cause blindness, if you got the 'dust' from their wings into your eyes, it would hurt you. The'dust'is just their wing scales flaking off. It's suggested that moth scales can be a potential allergen and eye irritant - though the scales are not toxic in themselves."