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RE: [Ulog] February 10, 2020

in CCC4 years ago

Your photo of a pancake brings back many memories! @wakeupkitty🥞🍽

Both of my kids loved eating pancakes growing up. My daughter enjoyed thin pancakes made more like crepes. Hers with strawberries or strawberry jam. When younger, my son liked blueberry syrup on his. As he got older the pancakes were served with syrup. Our family dog, Sasha, always enjoyed pancake days because she would get scraps!💕

I always hated the messy clean up after making pancakes and feeling greasy afterwards. You too?

Hope you get your heat back and the winds die down! Stay warm💓🔥💫


I do not like baking them, the smell inside of the house and it is a mess indeed unless I bake them with cheese, salami, ham, apple etc.
Officially they were rolled up. In pancake restaurants they are way bigger and thicker. Special plates are needed for a pancake and one is enough.
I am still baking pancakes, mainly because it is cheap and my children do like it. Why???
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your pancake memories. I wish you a great day. 💕