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RE: Handbags 2

in CCC4 years ago

I used to work as a cashier at a health food store, so you'd think most customers there would be eco-conscious and want to use reuseable shopping bags or at least less plastic bags, right? It amazed me how many of them did NOT care at all.
But what always made me giggle was when they would question me about how they didn't think the bag could hold as much as I put in it, because they were used to other grocery stores that send you home with ten million plastic bags at a time. Almost always, they were driving a car, so they only had to carry it (or even wheel the cart) to their car and then from the car inside their house. Not exactly taking it on a trek. So I would always say, "I walk/bike/ride the bus and carry this for literally miles, it'll hold." And STILL some of them would INSIST on me giving them extra bags. Wasteful people drive me nuts, lol.


People are wasteful for sure. I always have reusable bags plus a box in my car so I never buy a bag. But I know those people even 2 things they can easily hold in their hand need a bag. Most plastic bags are strong enough. I still have which are 5 years or older and reuse them too. My eldest buys bags, those you can reuse, and they are great for my shopping. I even carry the firewood inside with it. 😄
Thanks for your response. An upvote for you. I wish you a great day. 💕