How do you do?

in CCC2 years ago

It's high time to ask the question again.
It is ten years later. Ten years after we moved and in these years we have not seen each other very often.
"I have another phone I can call for free every month. We'll keep in touch."
That calling? It didn't happen much during all those years l maybe 2 or 3 times at the most. The last time was when Plüss unexpectedly died. The first time was a few days (or was it weeks?) after the new telephone subscription had been received. Does this subscription still exist? I have no idea.
Everyone has a mobile phone these days except for our pets. Almost everyone has the internet or knows where to use a free connection. Parents, the supermarket, library, sometimes the bus or train, friends or neighbours let you use theirs. I think anyone with a subscription for unlimited internet should share it with others, as would the costs. This saves money because the internet is far from cheap and the government will make sure you need a connection because they also prefer to arrange everything online. This provides more insight.

How are you doing?
I wanted to ask that question this morning. Just to let her know that I am thinking of her. After ten years of hardly seeing each other and not speaking to her, I want her to know that she's in my mind even if I can't face her or hug her. We are both are ten years older and still friends, befriended in our own way. We don't see each other, don't call but send a message via the internet, at times a personal note or link of what keeps us busy. Sometimes there is a response, but more often not.
Busy, busy, busy and therefore also chaos and stress. Children who want and have to do all kinds of things: internships, riding lessons, starting their own business, sick parents and never-ending restrictions. Without a jab, life looks very different for some, even though the idea is largely in the brain. Let's face it, the average working person and single parent have no time to hang around in the pub, discotheque, theatre or cinema. The cinemas have been poorly attended for years. You have to love culture and art as well as festivals and pop concerts if not you keep yourself busy at home or take an early nap.
Today's generation lives online, the youth hasn't played outside in thirty years. They are prepared for an eternal lockdown and their children won't know any better.

How are you?
Let me answer my own question. Just in case she asks me, even though there will be no response if I say I feel bad my life stinks. At times we all have those bad periods, bad moments that takes years for some of us. How am I doing? Yesterday it occurred to me that I have to make it another three years. Three more years in the desert as a single mom being present in case of need no matter how I feel. Three years sound short to some and long to others.

Three years: my first thought was that I really need to start organizing everything now. Is there anything left to arrange or do I just shrug and let my children do it? If it comes to it there is nothing special that I like or want to do. No bucket list, no urgent things-to-do-list, although I would like to get rid of a lot of my stuff. I don't because I think it's wiser not to given the tonnage of poverty, America is once again on the warpath in a part of the world where she has no business being and what I have might be needed later. Everything happening today is to cover up and justify the economic crisis caused by government mismanagement.

How am I doing?
Not too good and even worse once I start thinking. The terrible suffering of a disgusting world, a future in captivity that I inflict on my children. My grandmother said: this is no time to bring children into the world.
Life has proved her it is. In the end, she was right and there is nothing more I can do about it. Good times never last a human's lifetime unless you die at a young age. My children are gloomy about their future. Their dreams are gone. I don't have to ask them how they are doing. This is clear enough. We talk every day because I ask: how was your day? even though every day I am a little less part of their lives.

How I am doing?
Ten years older, ten more years people forgot I exist. There is no family left, only a few children and animals, no colleagues, acquaintances, good neighbours, only that distant friend who I haven't seen or spoken to in a long time. Sometimes I think I will do this or that, but often I don't see any point in it. I have done so much in my life nobody cares about any longer. I'm tired of doing things. Occasionally, I learn something new but all in all, I don't care. A few more years to go. Years that will hopefully be long enough to realise I will never see certain people or my homeland again.

It is early when I pick up my phone and switch it on. The aeroplane mode is off and I switch the internet connection on. A message appears.
We will have to go through with it. Tomorrow everyone will be tested.
My boyfriend is positive, my daughter, who is doing her internship (2 weeks already and 4 to go) is also positive and so might be the rest of the family

The message was sent after midnight. With a bit of luck, after an official positive test and home quarantine, there will be a QR code, so they won't be disappointed. My child has not received this QR code. We don't hear anything from the government. Also, no proof that my child was tested positive, just a woman wrapped in plastic telling us the family has to stay home for 10 days. A strange state of affairs that I highly question.

When the QR code isn't provided, testing makes no sense.
A deadly sick person is not going to travel half an hour, stand in the cold for 45 minutes to have a dubious test done.
Dubious? Indeed it is. We all know by now that PCR testing is not meant to be used. Strange there's still no test after over 2 years. In the meantime, research has been done on PCR tests and it turns out those tests are already set to negative or positive. And with that, I finally have the explanation why papaya and sterile water have a positive result and three snivelling and coughing children are negative.
Those tests do not care whether what is tested comes from your forehead, ear, bladder or a glass of pineapple juice. If you shine a light on them you know the result before you even unwrap them. That would at least save the earth with even more plastic garbage. It's shocking how much plastic this plandemic added. It makes carbon footprint a big joke.

My friend and I text for a while. She doesn't sound stressed which is a plus. Later on today the family will be tested officially and with some luck, they have some quality time together and after that, they can celebrate late birthdays or birthdays in advance and even enjoy a Summer vacation.


I intended to write 'unless' to the sentence above but I'm not going to do it. Too many their life is already hard enough. I hope she and her family will receive that code in two weeks and above all, that nonsense with medical experiments will stop. Enough folk died and in the next years, many more will.

Since there's one EU there have never been open borders, not for EU citizens. The EU counties are divided and that QR code (some call it Green Pass. Green because of CO2 not because you are healthy or a good person) will come. It can easily be given to each citizen since we all are a (social security) number from the day on we are born.
I would say: governments introduce it as you did with everything. It's written in the EU plan, a plan made by Austrian nazis before the second world war started. You governments know enough people will die, medical care is no longer for all, with all those wars on the way, the planned crises (electricity, CO2, economical, health, famines and increased infertility) your end goal is near. I hope your moms and dads are proud of the people they raised.

I didn't need to ask my friend anything she texted me the answer so I ask you: how do you do? What are your plans for today, next month, next year? Do you still see that bright future you had in mind or is there a change of plans, ideas, feelings if it comes to what is really important?


#kittywu #life #nonsense


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