
was a victim once and I totally regretted it because I brought in some people and it was kinda bad when it ended and those people couldn't get their money.

And that's one of the main premises I learned while researching cryptocurrencies and trading: use only the money you're willing to lose. Don't use money from the market, school, rent - let alone savings or family wealth! All of this is true

Yeah, I have been a victim to Ponzi Scheme as well, but at the moment, I don't give any chance to anything like Invest in crypto and earn this and that, nope, I have taken my hands out of that, NO NO NO and NO, hahaha

Hehe. I think it’s night time people get to wise up and know what’s going on.

Yeah, at the moment, I am very vigilant now and I don't want to engage myself in any crypto buy and sell project again

lol. What about when the bull run come in hand? You still won’t get on again? Maybe to take some profits

hahah, bull run isn’t assured at all so whenever you earn some profits make sure you take some for other investments bro

That’s the standard. I agree with you. Not to put all eggs in one baskets hehehe

yeah, diversification is one key factor that we should focus on during crypto investments plan, it’s nice to have different assets in your portfolio