I just passed 7000 Hiver Power and it feels great!

in LeoFinance2 years ago

7000 Hive Power and growing Baby!

It honestly doesn't feel like that long ago since I had under 1,000 Hive Power and having grown my account from scratch that first 1,000 was without a doubt the most difficult to accumulate. What has happened since then has been unbelievable. I committed to posting every day of the week, with the odd missed day here and there and because of that dedication and regular quality posting, I fairly quickly hit and passed other milestones, each one coming a little quicker than the last. 2,000 did take a while alright, but nothing in comparison to the first 1,000. Then it was earlier this year when I passed 3,000, March to be exact. I wrote a post about that actually and 81 days later I hit another milestone, as I accelerated past 4,000 Hive Power, I think that was some time in May, and 5,000 came around mid June I think, followed by 6,000 Hive Power on August 1st. Somewhere along the way I lost the support of brilliant and very kind whale, which slowed the progress a little, but I dusted myself down and on September 28th I passed through the 7,000 barrier, next stop 8,000 Hive Power, hopefully some time in November.

I set myself a very lofty target near the start of 2022 to try to reach 10,000 Hive Power by the end of the year, so let's see how close I can get. I've just notched another thousand on the road towards that target as I surpassed 7,000 Hive Power. My curation will be worth a little more and so will my APR, so you never know what might happen. Yep, I am a glass half full guy all the way!


20% APR and low risk

I have some HBD cooking away making me a yield of 20% APR, so if I get really close to 10,000K, I can always liquidate that to make the final push to 10,000K Hive Power. There is just something about numbers and going from a 4 digit number of 9,999 to 10,000 which is magnificent and significant too. There will come a time when not many people will be able to get to 10,000 Hive Power and above if the price does what I think it will do in the next ten years.


Once I hit my target of 10,000HP, I will start to increase my HBD holdings. Perhaps a good approach would be to bank half and convert half to Hive and then power it up on HPUD day. Do you guys bank some of your HBD and if so how much? I'd love to hear about it in the comments below.

Spreading The Word

I'm a talker. You may have guessed that from my posts! Every day blabbing on about something or other! So, it should not come as a surprise to learn that I've always been one to tell family and friends about Hive and Crypto in general and for a long time this was met with raised eyebrows and blank expressions, but lately people want to know more and the barriers to getting in are constantly lowering. The 20% APR mentioned above is a perfect example of how to attract people, not 124,678% APR for Random_Toilet Token or the like that is highly speculative.


Most investments are in some way speculative and pretty much all Crypto is speculative, but it is a matter of being cute and considered with just how speculative you want to be.


I said a while back in a post that "For the shits and giggles, let's see where minimum double digit growth of 10% per month will take me to." and the below was the projection.

End of Jan - 3300 HP
End of Feb - 3630 HP
End of Mar - 4123 HP
End of Apr - 4535 HP
End of May - 4989 HP
End of Jun - 5488 HP
End of Jul - 6037 HP
End of Aug - 6641 HP
End of Sep - 7245 HP
End of Oct - 7969 HP
End of Nov - 8728 HP
End of Dec - 9501 HP

Well would you look at that! I'm not a million miles off, the projections had me at 7245 at the end of September and here I am at 7030. There might be something at the end of the rainbow for me at the end the year after all?


Thanks to the Community


It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway. Thanks a million to all of my friends on Hive for your kind support over the years. It's very much appreciated and I look forward to growing with you all for the rest 2022 and into 2023 and beyond.

I literally would not be here only for the engagement and support of the community and there is no other place online where people are so helpful and altruistic. Let's keep it that way and look out for each other and support each other.

That's all for today.

The images used throughout are all my own

Thanks as always for stopping by everyone.

Peace Out

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That’s awesome man congrats! You’re doing amazing for sure dude and before you know it you’ll be passing up me in my hive power hahaha. It’s great having the goals because then we can strive towards them and figure out what we’ve done and where we need to be. Helps give some motivation for keeping it all up!

Thanks a million man for the kind words and the reshare, really appreciate it. Completely agree about having goals too, always good to have something to strive towards.

You never know what might happen but you might just hit your target for the year. Congratulations on your 7000 hive power, let's grow together, shall we? Smiles.

I'm so rooting for you, I feel like you will hit a jackpot before the year runs out and that will help you meet your target, just be positive and keep doing what you do 😊.

Thanks so much for the lovely kind words of encouragement.

I'm so rooting for you, I feel like you will hit a jackpot before the year runs out and that will help you meet your target, just be positive and keep doing what you do 😊.

Thanks so much, I'll do my best 😊

You're welcome Sir, it's my pleasure ❤️.

Well done my friend! Well done!

Thanks a million man, much appreciated

That's quite a target! My vote added a mere 0.028 to help with that \o\

Thanks a mil - every 0.028 and anything at all helps.

Wow! Congrats on the progress of your account, and best luck on reaching your year-end goal. And I like to be a glass-half-full person too, so I'm sure you will succeed :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks so much for those kind and encouraging words @coquicoin

You are welcome :)

Congratulations on your latest milestone! 😁 Sooo close to hitting that 10,000! Good luck!

Ya, I can't believe that I have gotten past 7,000, let's see how quick we can break through 8,000 and 9,000 and finally onwards towards the big 10K!

Wow, a very quick growth, man! It surely feels great to achieve these milestones so quickly. My growth accelerated too in the past months, but nothing close to yours.


Yes, I have noticed that you are grown too man, I think we both have been putting in the time and effort and it is paying off, and the more you grow, the quicker you can continue to grow

Gratz bro that is a good achievement! 10k next!

Thanks lads, ya 10K in the next six months would be pretty special. Let's see how things go, it will be interesting to see how close I can get by December 31st 2022

This is so inspiring, I started my journey last July 2022, and I do aimed to have 1k HP until the end of 2022, surprisingly it's so close and I have more more months to go, as I also aimed high power, I reset my goal, from 1K now challenge to have 2K atleast.

That's a very impressive start from you, you have grown considerably in a very short time, well done. Keep up the hard work, as I say in the post the first 1000HP is by far the hardest and growth accelerates thereafter..

Nice!! 💪
It gonna go faster and faster. 10K by the end of the yea is not impossible...

@tipu curate 3

Wow @ewkaw, what an extremely generous tipu tip - thanks so much for such kindness, you are always one of my best supporters, thank you.

Congratulations on reaching 7K HivePower! Your goal of 10K until the end of the year isn't that unbelievable and you can do it!
Regarding APR, I would say that even less than 20% on HBD and around 10% for HivePowe curation is a sweet spot for crypto, especially knowing that both tokens are relatively stable in this bear market...

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project which will be highlighted in the next post!

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Hey there, thanks for the great comment and words of encouragement. I am so looking forward to hitting that 10K milestone. That is going to be a very big one for me.

genial espero algun dia poder llegar alla, tambien es mi sueño tener una cuenta grande =)

Quédate con eso mi amigo. Todos empezamos de nada y los primeros 1000 son los más difíciles. Su crecimiento se acelera después de eso y vale la pena el esfuerzo. Quién sabe a qué valor crecerá Hive en el próximo mercado alcista.

me imagino aunque mi meta sera 100hp por ahora de a poquito tocara ir a pasito pasito =)

Sigue apareciendo todos los días y el crecimiento seguirá llegando. Requiere trabajo duro, pero vale la pena a largo plazo.

Wow! This is so amazing! It's rare (for me) to have encountered a blog like this that talks about the fast growth of Hive Power. Your growth in Hive is incredible and inspiring sir! 😍

I think that 10K Goal will be easy as pie for someone like you. 💪Congratulations in advance for your upcoming success. 👏👏👏

What a well thought out and sincere comment, thanks for taking the time to read my post and engage, that's the real key to success around here - engagement.

Your growth in Hive is incredible and inspiring sir!

Kind words indeed and I try my best to turn up every day with something to talk about, at the start that was tricky and I never knew what to post about, but it is much easier now that we have communities across so many diverse areas and we have fantastic curators who look for good content. I see you are at 770HP so well on the way to 1k HP, which is a great milestone and you'll be amazed at how fast you can grow the next 1k, best of luck to you.

I take it as a compliment sir and thanks for leaving a reply to my comment on your post. 😊

that's the real key to success around here - engagement.

I'll remember this piece of advice always.😊 I'm trying my best to engage also.

I'm excited to reach 1k, your post made me excited, hehe. I hope the same goes for me - that it's fast to grow on the next 1k after I reached my first one.

Have a great day sir!😊

It will be, I can guarantee it, so long as you keep up the same level of effort with your posts.

Keep it up ya big hp bastart!!

😊😊😊 Thanks a lot auld stock!