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RE: Votes Now Over Dust

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

This is why I recommend to everyone new that I interact with, don't vote comments!

Great advice there for any newbies reading. Also, be sure to leave loads of meaningful comments on people's posts that clearly demonstrate that you took the time to read them. Many of us upvote these comments, so you'll be rewarded and the engagement may lead to people checking out your page.


Yeah for sure man! Comments are awesome and that’s how I got my first bunch of Steem power back in the day before hive. I actually didn’t post for a month or so, only commented lol. Now I’m nearing 365 days of posting once a day, wild stuff!

Closing in on one year of consecutive daily posts! Fantastic 👏👏

I've gone over 2 months of consecutive daily posts myself and the habit is now firmly engrained which is great. I'm not sure if I'll manage a full year, but who knows.