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RE: One Third Of The Streak Is Over - How's It Going For You?

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

Time is definitely the main blocker, but I find forming the habit is important and maybe having a specific thing for certain days can help. For me for instance, Tuesday is #threetunetuesday where people share three 3 songs they like, Wednesday is sharing SBI with somebody, Friday is #fungifriday with @ewkaw and Saturday is #BeerSaturday with @detlev. This means that Monday, Thursday, Sunday are the days that I need to think about a topic or theme, which definitely helps me and Sunday it is often #Sportstalksocial for me, which just leaves two..


I had no idea that something like #threetunetuesday exists! Will have to have a look at that :)

Ah yes @ewkaw, it would be really cool to have you participate and suggest some songs, it's starting to get some traction now and some top class songs are being recommended, often from bands/artists I hadn't heard of before and other times classic songs that I have not heard in a while..

Cool! Is there any special community rules/guidelines for it?
I just really hope I remember about it on Tuesday.

Hey, no, not really. The only rule is to post three songs - they can be your own songs, cover songs, links to a band or artist singing a song (most popular)

Also, you don't have to post on Tuesday, you can post any day you want (Tuesday is ideal, but not a requirement :) )

Okay thank you :)
I will keep that one in mind now.