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RE: Only 2 out the top 10 posts on trending aren't about Hive or LEO - GIVE ME MORE DIVERSIFIED CONTENT PLEASE!

in LeoFinance4 years ago

The first one in the first screenshot is mine and if you read it it's actually about steem, hive and leo, not just leo as you rated it. It's true that diversification is more appealing, but that's leofinance and that's what people are posting about, what can one do. It used to be the same with hive and it will probably be the same with every new and hyped app that the blockchain will host in the future...

Maybe we need a few simple contests like @blocktrades runs on Hive

Of course, lets all ass kiss blocktrades and theycallmedan, for some leftover upvotes, and participate in their initiatives, writing about whatever topics they wish and act like pupils in school... That would be great.

I always hated trends and following them, and will always do. If bloggers around here don't have that much imagination to write their own posts on their own topics and are satisfied with just following trails and trends, be it, we deserve our situation then.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I did read your post, it was OK, pretty much like my own story! It's still platform centric though - I don't begrudge your place at the top of trending btw, and as I commented earlier, I'm not against LEO posts, what prompted it was that 'double repeat post' of empoderat's more than anything - which i actually thought was one of the best posts I've read this week, but the repeat reward, that irritated me.

Keep on posting what you do, I'm not even saying I won't upvote you if it's about LEO and I like it!

But trending and even just 'recent' have looked VERY repetitive recently.

As you say I'm sure that will change.

As to the 'competition' - or 'paying' people for writing good content with upvotes, that's potentially one of the main reasons why people might come in and stake several hundred thousand LEO - so there might be legs in it, it's not about sucking up to people at all.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta