

Just because one specific issue isn't fixed doesn't mean nothing's getting fixed.

Also - you need to be premium to embed videos. I'm working on Taskmaster's issue but if your issue is that you can't post them because you don't have enough character limit - it's because you're not premium

My Premium has only just expired. I've had it for months and will renew soon. My point was, many issues aren't being addressed, hence the frustration

…and I've embedded many videos as you'll see with all my travel and book stuff and left polite feedback a few times (as well as seen others do so too). No worries, just keen to get more done!

In addition - I meant nothing visible to me. I'm sure there's plenty going on behind the scenes, but you have to consider what an end/new user experiences…

Can you also take into account that as well as Taskmaster's point on embeds, long Threads leave out the video in the feeds, and are only visible when the Thread is opened.

Whilst we're on a roll - please look into replies not loading on Threads. It's about 50/50 on whether they do or not, and sometimes show after a refresh. Also, profile pics on communities have gone again. I'll leave it there for now! :)

Could we have a list of the 30 bugs fixed?