Gratitude: What is your highest level of success on hive blockchain

Deep down you know what you have achieved since you joined Hive Blockchain, we all know our area of success that brings a smile to our face, whether you got the highest vote, achieved a goal or made a profit if the market goes up., they are all successful.

But I don't want you to confuse it, what success here means to me may mean different things to you, you may think of success as financial security, while some see it as achieving the highest reputation. I know everyone strives to be successful in grinding, but what is your highest level of success?.

Determining your highest level of success can be a daunting task for you, especially for me who sees a small thing as success, a good response to my post is like I hit a jackpot and that motivates my action appropriately. My success cannot be compared to someone who only wants wealth.

Although power and wealth are how some people define success, they want to reach a point in life where they can make more money and be in the position of power.

Honestly, levels of success can be described as our state of fulfillment, a stage where we have achieved what we strive for and move on to higher levels.

However, my highest level on the blockchain is not through achievement or the title image of the account with the highest payout, my highest level of success here is the ability to help people out there with hives.

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Exactly one year ago, in April
and May 2022 hive repaired two well water for villagers in Etomi Nigeria. Honestly, when I remember that I was able to help people in need of good water through hive blockchain, tears of joy always rolled from my eyes.

Understanding people's problem and solving it for them is my highest level of success and I will say that the borehole water last year for the villagers of etomi is really a great success for me even when I am not there in etomi, people will still remember the good deed of hive blockchain in my name and I will also remember everyone who supported the project, especially @guiltypaties and @quochuy who donated to the borehole water.

The story of Etomi was an interesting story that touched my heart, the villagers lives without drinking water for more than six months, they get their drinking water from a stream (river) and some areas get theirs under a certain desire close to a river. I was worried if the problem can be fixed and thank God the rest was history.

Etomi's right to good water is my highest level of success and I will continue to be grateful for the support I have received from people here. It's not just about making money, let's create a memory that will be remarkable through this Blockchain.

Thank you all for your support