Working on Holidays To Achieve Your Dreams

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)
Authored by @afridany

Hi Hiverr, how are you today? Have a good day.

Guys, today is a holiday in my country. People are on weekends, there are those who go to the beach or to the mountains for recreation, those who are bored with work take short trips to fill their days off.


it has become a tradition in our area for those who from Monday to Saturday work full time to support their families and relatives. I think, this is a great idea to get back to work after their vacation at the beach. However, for me, I will only spend time on vacation if there is a need for an invitation or to an important event and it doesn't have to be a Sunday.

People will see that I still work on days off. As I said in a previous post, that I need a lot of money to build a house. I'm pursuing my dream for it, so I have to work full time. Mainly by being present at Leofinance, creating content and hoping to earn some extra income.

There is a saying in my country, that if you want to be difficult then build a house, if you want to be sad then take two wives. I think, this saying really exists. While planning to build a house, I no longer have time to travel and vacation. So I have to be good at managing time so I can make money.

The first is me by continuing to work without knowing the time anymore. when people see me when I go on vacation, then I will replace important times or when important trips while on vacation. If I'm working for a party I have to attend, that's an opportunity I take while on vacation. By way of enjoying the trip, and layovers are part of the vacation. So I used the opportunity for refreshing. This is what I do.

Very good question. I get several opportunities to save money, save time, save money and save energy. So whenever I have to travel, my time will not be wasted. So far time is money for me. I will not waste any time trying to achieve my dream.

I wouldn't care about people's gossip, and I forgot all the whispers out there against me. I will do what is best for me, and I will never regret doing something if useful for me. I forgot the outside world and all the interests of joining various communities. So, I will walk step by step to prepare myself for a bright future. Now, what I focus on is work, and collecting coffers of money. And I've been getting it bit by bit, I think that's how the economy works very systematically. Thank you for reading this post, hopefully it can be useful for all my friends who are pioneering just like me. I'm sure you will be happy in the future. Regards.

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