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RE: LeoThread 2023-05-28 09:16

in LeoFinancelast year
  1. Dragon Ball (& its sequel DBZ)

Dragon Ball defined "Cool" to me in my childhood. Watched the original DB as it aired, then & played a lot of DBZ games as a child. Didn't get the story back then.

  1. Detective Conan

A show I followed for at least 10 years before falling off. It's ongoing but not worth the effort anymore. It's smart series & the only Murder Mystery story I didn't fear as a child.

  1. Bakuman

As an artist. Bakuman is one of the biggest Manga influences on my life. Before it, I was just drawing for fun, now I'm willing to learn & improve. I rewatch it sometimes for motivation!


This Manga has been on my Top Manga List the longest. My favorite shonen story and I'm amazed at how brilliant Oda is at themes and long-term storytelling! Learned a lot from its writing!

  1. Yu-Gi-Oh

It's not close to my Top anime/manga list anymore, but at some point YuGiOh was my obsession. I used to create my own cards! I only watched the original and GX series before I fell off.

  1. Digimon

Like YuGiOh, Digimon has been a constant in my life for a long time. Some years I'd rewatch another season or replay another game. i'm still attached to it a bit, but not obsessed as before.

  1. Hunter x Hunter

Similarly to ONE PIECE, I've been obsessed with HxH & the Greed Island Arc in particular, because it took an idea I had for a story setting & executed it better than I'll ever would!

  1. A Certain Magical Index

My 2nd favorite Light Novel & was the 1st place for years. The author takes the idea of "Science vs Magic" and does wonders with it! The anime didn't adapt the story well.

6.5 Pokemon

Pokemon. Like Digimon but to a lesser degree, it's one of the franchises that I keep returning to, though mainly the games and I'm always a generation or two behind.