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RE: LeoGlossary Update 1/29/23

in LeoFinance3 months ago

In this video, the speaker provides an update on the Leo Glossary project. They mention that the number of entries has surpassed 2,700, with a focus on adding more depth to the content by creating longer, more detailed pages. The speaker highlights contributors to the project, such as Gadrian and IskaFan, who are working on expanding and linking pages within the glossary. They also mention plans to include terms like Dan Larimer and Steam in the cryptocurrency glossary, despite some negative sentiment, to enhance the repository of information. Additionally, they discuss the ranking of Leo Glossary's entry for 3Speak on Google search results.

Detailed Article:

The video begins with an overview of the progress made in the Leo Glossary project. The speaker mentions that the number of entries has now surpassed 2,700, with efforts focused on expanding the scope by adding more detailed content to the glossary. While initially, the focus was on increasing the number of entries, there is now a shift towards creating pages with more depth, aiming for entries with 700 to 1,000 words and adding more internal links to enhance the user experience and optimize for search engines.

The speaker mentions specific contributors to the project, such as Gadrian and IskaFan. Gadrian, despite facing some challenges, is working on a super page for Splinter Glossary, related to a new game based on Splinterlands, called Splinter Forge. IskaFan is highlighted as the third person to join the project, working on expanding the database by creating detailed pages with significant word counts, such as one focused on debt, which already boasts 7,500 words. The speaker emphasizes the impact of these contributions in creating a valuable repository of information for users interested in Leo Finance and related topics.

In addition to individual contributions, the speaker mentions plans to include terms like Dan Larimer and Steam in the glossary to enrich the cryptocurrency section. They acknowledge that although there might be negative sentiments surrounding certain terms, like Steam, for being part of the legacy, including them in the glossary contributes to the comprehensive nature of the repository. The speaker encourages users to keep using links within the Leo Glossary, which now includes a frequently used page at the top of the main menu, Hive Glossary, and Leo Finance main page links.

Furthermore, the speaker touches upon the success of Leo Glossary in ranking on Google search results, with the entry for 3Speak being listed as the fifth entry on page one, further validating the impact and visibility of the project. They encourage users to include links to Leo Glossary in their comments or video descriptions related to 3Speak, reinforcing the importance of community engagement and collaboration in promoting the glossary.

In conclusion, the speaker expresses gratitude for the ongoing contributions, highlighting the collaborative and passionate nature of the Leo Glossary project and its role in enhancing knowledge sharing within the Leo Finance community.



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