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RE: Would you like dystopia with your cryptocurrency, sir?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Monetary system: bad.

Recourced based economy: Much Better

Independence and off grid, is the best way to go, in my own opinion.

For the meantime I am on "using the monetary system to pull into a RBE by first establishing that foudation. Can only be done by completely being independent. Only then Can I truly help the neighbor achieve the same. And then there were two. two help another 4. and so on.

Good thing there is already a large group of people already doing so.

No matter what "currency" we use, it will never be complete liberty. gold and silver is about as worthless to me as eating dog crap. I can't eat that shit. well, I can, but it will be a very bad effect to my health. and I don't even have the stomach to try out that gold nugget for a healthy breakfast.

What would be the use of bitcoins once we are in a RBE? that is what I want to know. I still see the blockchain with its true potentiel still yet to be discovered. if only we can take off that green belt wrapped around our necks.


Independence and off grid, is the best way to go, in my own opinion.

Money is merely the representation of resources.
It has no agency - is not 'good' or 'bad'.

We already live in a resource based economy (pretty much).
'Financial products' screw everything up - including the function of money's intended purpose.