Investing in one day retreat / 1日リトリートのための投資

in LeoFinancelast month

From yesterday to today, I stayed overnight with my family at a hotel in the city. It is a chain hotel that we often book when relatives or guests come to visit. I myself also have used it several times, and I like the nice sauna and breakfast buffet.

My partner, who likes to travel and is also in the travel business, found a good priced day and we decided to stay there for two days. We have a family saving that we have been saving up a little by little, and the 102 euros was spent out of it. I thought again that it is nice to save a little extra money or a part of reward from Hive Blog.

It was Father's Day yesterday in Germany, and I had completely forgotten about it (it changes the day every year!), so I bought cakes at the restaurant where I had brunch with my friend. We ate them in the hotel lounge. My partner's Deutsche Bahn status allows him access to the lounge. Good job 👏

The lounge is closed at night, but while it is open, drinks and snacks are available. I like to have a quiet cup of coffee or wine here while reading a book.

In the end, there was a family mess ... and I only had one round of sauna, but still I appreciate at least I could enjoy the sauna for one hour. I got up early, took a walk, took a break at Starbucks since the lounge was not open yet, and went back to the hotel. This Starbucks is one of my favorite places to slow down and reflect on myself.

The breakfast buffet was as expected.

It's not a showing off post. What I want to say is that we can enjoy something special by daily small saving.

Well, thanks to my partner's discount, we were able to stop at 102 euros for our family of three. Divided by 30 for one retreat per month, it is 3.4 euros. It is the amount we tend to use for one or two snack without thinking throughly.

I created a sub account on my bank app to have retreat time by time and set it up to automatically save 5 euros a day. I have already done this for other purposes such as car savings. Surprisingly I don't feel money is missing. And I'm happy to find I've saved up. So give it a try, if your bank app has this kind of auto saving function. You will be surprised at the result 😊

Have a nice weekend everyone!



旅行が好きで旅行業もしている相方が先日、安い日があるのを見つけてきて「近場で休むのもいいよね」と家族で一泊二日で滞在することにしました。ちょこちょこ貯めている家族の貯金があって、そこから102ユーロ出しました。ちょっとした余剰金やHive Blogの一部を貯めるちょこちょこ貯金、いいなと改めて思いました。








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