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RE: LeoThread 2023-11-11 14:39

in LeoFinance7 months ago

Lions: do you (try to) reply to all comment on your posts? I think it's a good habit that creates engagement. Thoughts?


This is something I've been doing for some time, everyone who leaves a comment on my posts or threads I respond to, I believe it's the best thing we can do to create engagement and gain new friends.


That's awesome to see you're doing it. It makes people feel welcome and you might learn a thing or two.

Exactly, I believe that our friends here at hive have to focus a little on responding to comments, not just focusing on posting and posting, it's good to read the opinions of those who interact.

Definitely. I consider it to be mandatory

MANDATORY! love it! so hard-core. But yeah, it's mandatory for me too fren. Love to see diehard folks 'round here 👊

Absolutely. It most certainly enhances engagement.

Yes, there are some spammy commenters out there, but there is also insightful dialogue to be had. I try to reply to almost everybody as I still think there is a social aspect to this blockchain. It would be interesting to see if it ends up powering more projects like Splinterlands or if it grows as a social platform. Time will tell.

once u get +100 comments on every post, u wont be able to do it anymore ... so many lions, so little time 🦁

Haha I think my record is around 30. I don't know if I'll ever get 100 comments on a post 😄 but I'll definitely try to answer; at least to the ones that seem authentic and not

good post

I think it's crucial to engagement.

We can make it happen with time ... need more lions thats all ☺️

if there is anything to say, I’ll say it. Even if it’s not that consequential. I’ll try to come up with interesting things to say or ask just for the sake of getting to know each other and if I’m really not able to come up with anything or don’t feel a conversation is warranted at all I’ll give a 5% vote if it wasn’t spammy

if it wasn't spammy

Ah, I left this out didn't I? You're right. I don't really like spammy vote-fishing and I'll reply to these with a one-liner or not reply at all. I do try to reply to most comments to my posts, though, since I believe driving conversation is essential on a social platform.

As far as voting, I tend to be a bit generous with comments on my posts. Usually 20 to 35% upvote for thoughtful comments. I have a 10% on Threads.

There are 2 or 3 people who I can't tell if they read my articles. I'm guessing they skim. Half of their comments are regular comments that actually say something and the other half seem completely irrelevant.

I reply to some, to be honest.

That's cool, you keep pretty busy, so it's understandable. You do reply live on Wen Soon™ though.

For my aprt I only reply if the post asks for a reply but I try to like every time to reward the comment!

like Please reply to my post ? 😄 I don't usually include that in my posts. I just try to be insightful and generate discussion.

Aha no, not like this.
More than if thé comment need a replie.
But Your point if view is interesting !!

sure we will reply....hello!

ofc! I can miss some comment now and then cuz of my brain not functioning completely at the moment lol but other than that I think it's important! :D

that's ok. As long as you're trying to do it regularly, you're contributing to the social aspect of our ecosystem 💪

Of course.

That's great. I think it will help drive engagement and retention. You're doing good :)

Thanks, you too. imo hive is all about growth in community.

I do but many OGs don;t or just leave a wee vote. So I stopped engaging on posts where I know people won't engage back.

Now I do the same in threads too!

not trying but doing

Absolutely! Always strive to engage, but sometimes the feline in us needs a catnap.

For sure! As long as we set aside time to do it when we're in the right state of mind.

I think it's important.