in LeoFinance3 years ago

Hive Chat Twitter Spaces

I'm improvising a Spaces for HIVE on twitter right now.
Happy to talk with you from Southern California

Hive Chat Twitter Spaces

This is the first time i have tried to do this sort of thing. I'm just winging it. But happy to chat with more Hive Enthusiasts in a Public Forum that is not just Discord. This way maybe some other crypto, blogging, social peole can possible stumble across Hive and have a chat.

This is just my first attempt, and it will not be the last. Will attempt to launch this again each day this week to see which days are best. I hope this can inspire myself and you with what you want to share on HIVE and what your goals are.

I have a Twitter List for the HIVE UNIVERSE as well.
I am adding the followers with Hive Blogs to that list as well.

What kind of stuff can we talk about? We can chat about your blogs of course, your art, music, investments, friends, travels, pets, cooking, and adventures. We can ask each other questions and get to know who else is out there doing the same things as well as discover new and interesting things. And if anyone is funny, we can tell jokes!

Hope to see you tonight or later this week!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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