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RE: Saturday Savers Club with @susie-saver | Week 48 - Saturday 26 November 2022 | EDSMM Giveaway | Win EDS for Comments - everyone welcome

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Here's my savings post for this week...

The whole risk / witnesses thing is something I've been thinking about quite a bit recently. I do vote for witnesses, although I haven't used all my votes up by any means. I tend to vote for ones who I think are doing good things for Hive. But it's pretty unstructured; mostly it's if someone asks for a vote, then I'll go and look at what they're up to and if I think it's worthwhile.

I think the witness system is good, but does still have some weaknesses. The pool of 20 active witnesses produce plenty of great proposals for the community to vote one, but what we don't see is whether there are back-channel conversations going on between them, or much of an idea of how well they co-ordinate and co-operate. I have to admit I'm split on this one; if the active witnesses are co-ordinating well it creates resilience in the event of technical issues, but if they are co-ordinating too well it could create a dominating clique.

I haven't studied how stable the 20 active witnesses are in terms of changes, but I suspect it's a pretty stable group. Most Hivers tend to vote for a witness and just leave it there. Again, this could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on how it goes.

From the perspective of drawing people over from Web2 to Web3, the lack of a figurehead in the mould of a Dorsey, Musk or Zuckerberg takes some getting used to. It's probably a barrier to adoption, but once you get used to the idea, it's actually a good way to illustrate how decentralisation works to "outsiders". There isn't one dominant ego, so although the way it's run can sometimes feel a bit "woolly" and reaction to an emergency might be a bit slower, there also isn't the risk that one person could run away with all the money or commit some social faux-pas that endangers the ecosystem.

Aaaand I've written an essay... sorry !


There used to be a witness ramble in Discord where you could hear conversation between witnesses and, I think, post questions. I wonder if @shadowspub could let us know if that still happens?

@steevc publishes a list of Brit witnesses in his monthly post about UK accounts.

What do you think about @pharesim's ideas in the second post?

Interesting that you brought that up. The Witness Chats haven't happened since the HF from the legacy chain. The subject of witnesses and their role has come up a few times late in conversations. Seems maybe it's time to shine some light there.

Thanks for dropping by.

It does seem like there's some interest. I follow you so if you post anything about it, I should pick it up.

There are far more than 20 active witnesses. You can vote for some of the lower ranked ones to help them out. My votes are based on what I see them doing for Hive.

The 20 Witnesses you refer to as 'active' are the top 20 who form the governance on the chain. There are many more active witnesses, you just need to look down the list to sew who is running the current version.

I have encountered a few people who think the chain ONLY has 20 'validators' aka witnesses and they thought that made for instability. It wasn't until I pointed out no, those are governance witnesses with dozens morning running witness servers that they got it.

Cheers @steevc and @shadowspub - I'm learning lots, and conversations like this are a great way for me to find out where the gaps are in my knowledge and to pick up information from people who know far more than I do. I really appreciate it !