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RE: Saturday Savers Club with @susie-saver | Week 48 - Saturday 26 November 2022 | EDSMM Giveaway | Win EDS for Comments - everyone welcome

in LeoFinance2 years ago

There used to be a witness ramble in Discord where you could hear conversation between witnesses and, I think, post questions. I wonder if @shadowspub could let us know if that still happens?

@steevc publishes a list of Brit witnesses in his monthly post about UK accounts.

What do you think about @pharesim's ideas in the second post?


Interesting that you brought that up. The Witness Chats haven't happened since the HF from the legacy chain. The subject of witnesses and their role has come up a few times late in conversations. Seems maybe it's time to shine some light there.

Thanks for dropping by.

It does seem like there's some interest. I follow you so if you post anything about it, I should pick it up.