
The latter wouldn't work as I'm refering to my own API node that I run.

It's mostly that it's syncronization instance tends to die on occasion so need to set something up to warn me when it does.

Well, it seems to be an issue here for the rest of us too, so it could help us or the site in general anyway.

Hehe, don't think leo uses my API node. It's generally not listed on any of the sites like peakD etc for use at the moment.
It is on though, :)

Right, they use another, but state they are building their own. I think peakd's set up is a better option, considering their uptime is pretty good. I'm not sure what the benefit is for doing what you are?

Well, I partly run one just because I can but also, it's there for anyone who want's to use it, and peakd say they'll add it to the list after it's proven to have good uptime and stabilty.

I also think I'm the only other API in the UK atm.