HLS tool update - Token Distribution daily stats has been added.

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Good evening to everyone . Most of you who know me know that I am obsessed with data and stats . Majority of my posts is about data analysis and similar concepts like regression analysis etc .

I had built an app https://hivelayers-stats.herokuapp.com couple of months ago to let the users check their dividends of certain investment tokens like BRO , SPI , INDEX etc . I kept on adding certain features to it as and when I can .

Latest addition was BROFI . I wasn't able to add new features or even update couple of dividends data because of some personal life problems caused due to COVID 19 .

But now I want to further work on that app and add as much data as possible .

I have taken down dividends data for now


Except UTOPIS you won't be able to see any other dividend token details this week because I will be automating it completely .


All the other features on the app is automated except this particular feature . I manually upload the data to the server everyday ( or sometimes 2 days once ) . Marky suggested to me once that it is taking a toll on the resource of the server and yes he was right , as days go by the csv file keeps on increasing and the amount of time taken to retrieve the data has also kept on increasing .

So I have decided to shift it from manual to auto which will be completed by next week ( ETA - Monday ). After that , users can check their dividend token data at anytime and they will see real-time data .

Update - Token Distribution details

So today I decided to add a new feature to the app - Token Distribution .

What is it ?

Everyday the HE tokens gets issued to the users . Ever wondered how much is issued daily ? Or how much percentage of total are you receiving ?

Well this particular feature answers those questions .


  1. Go to https://hivelayers-stats.herokuapp.com

  2. Right top , by default it is Community - choose Token distribution under it .

  3. Then just leave 1 as it is , then select the date for which you wish to see the details .

  4. Enter the symbol - Ex: LEO , POB , CTP etc and click get data.

Watch this completely please :)


I will be adding more stats and data to this particular feature tomorrow. That is why there is a "choose your option" at the top .

Let me know in the comment section if this is useful for you in some way or other .



Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Not sure if this is related, but it had problems displaying some dividends from Bro eariler today, but I was busy, so I forgot to tell you xD

Oh yeah that was not the app problem , there was some problem with the API calls earlier . I saw that too , thanks for letting me know :) I will see what the exact problem was and when I release it again , I will make sure it is taken care of .

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Ohh, well that happens now and then, no problem :D

Oh wow this is very interesting and outstanding I love this.. keep up the good work you are doing well @amr008 the boss man

Hey @worktight , thanks a lot buddy . Will try to keep contributing as much as I can .

Feel free to ask me if you need any data or stuff , will be happy to provide it .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You never fail to impress me. This is a really interesting tool and I know its quite hard to compile this data and to put it up in this format too. Keep up the good work man.

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Thanks for all the support @interpretation . I have come across your statistical posts too , keep it up , feel free to ask for help or data if you need any .

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Your comment made my day, you are the big brother in this domain. I was always fascinated by the reports you pulled out. Thank you for the offer, I would be definately happy to contribute to anything on POB with you.

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I've had that happen before where a log file or something like that just starts to get so big that it slows the whole server down. It is so hard to pinpoint sometimes. I think I had a server one time that was still storing backups from three years prior. It was a hot mess.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I know right ?

The problem on my side was , I was trying to store all payouts of say BRO historically which is just way too much because they payout nearly 1000 times a day ( all tokens ) , same with Dhedge too . So it is better if I automate it .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh yeah, I can see how that would get pretty bloated rather quickly!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Dont you ever sleep?

Great job on the script. It is great to get your posts quantifying certain things. Can some of that be automated to be posted?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hehe thanks a lot for the kind words task :)

It is great to get your posts quantifying certain things. Can some of that be automated to be posted?

I can definitely do it but people might think I am spamming for votes that's why I hesitate a bit :p

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well I have some ideas for @leomarkettalk. Can always set the post payout to zero to overcome that situation.

We need some content especially in the comments. This might be a way to generate some.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sure . I am ready. Let me know here or on discord what's the idea and I will get it ready.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Appreciate the hustle on providing such tools and stats.

My pleasure @chronocrypto . You guys run the projects , I will provide the stats related to that hehe.

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I'm looking forward to playing around with it when it's finished. 😊

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hehe sure , another update to this particular feature will be released tomorrow , hope you like it .

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Is it possible to add a few days there ? For example 7 days at least to see the results during that time ?

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Hey @clixmoney , that is exactly what is on my mind for second update .

That is why I have left the "options" list there , I plan on adding more features to it like -

Get last 7 days token issued to my account for a particular symbol .

ETA for this is tomorrow .

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That's great to know !

Oh nice. Yea if you have to store everything go play it back, its going to get very bulky.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea if you have to store everything go play it back, its going to get very bulky.

I agree , but this feature is automated ( meaning it will use API calls ) and I won't need to upload any files . It doesn't use much resource and the time taken to retrieve seems to be very less too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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Was just checking the token divs and noticed some where removed, this explains and I think automating it is good for everyone. Especially for you so you can focus on other tasks!

Great to see the new features, will there be a feature where you can see how many of each token you got and what percentage that is of total? So instead of focusing on a single token see all stats for your account for any token you received? Just an idea, clueless if that would even work.

Good luck with the update!

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Hey @rianduek .

I think automating it is good for everyone. Especially for you so you can focus on other tasks!

That's true , that's what I am trying to do actually .

will there be a feature where you can see how many of each token you got and what percentage that is of total?

3rd update on this feature will be how many tokens an account received ( but getting what percentage will be a very time consuming ) .

But I will try to check the amount of time it takes , if it is less than 1-2 minutes I can implement it .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If it works.. great. If it's a pain in the ass to do.. ignore my suggestions :-P

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Thank you for the daily statistics about the token distribution

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Looks great! Very colourful graphs, I like this a lot.

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