
The same thing happens to me here, people don't take it seriously, and if you complain to them they get upset.

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The reason this is happening is because the government and the media have been blatantly lying to us for at least the last 20 years. They have a clear bias and an agenda. When is the last time you heard a "news" organization give both sides to a story? Because of this, they can't be trusted. Right or wrong. They've cried wolf a thousand times and people are fed up.

This is an experimental vaccine. EXPERIMENTAL!!!! FACT!!!! It has not been approved for anything. Period. It has been "Authorized for Emergency Use". That's it. Pfizer has been fined billions of dollars in the last 20 years for falsifying study results. Fact. Vaccine-related deaths have skyrocketed in the last 6 months. Fact. There are no long-term studies on this vaccine. Fact.

I'm not an anti-vaxer. I am anti THIS "vaccine". Mark my words, in 10 years history will look back at this period and the "cure" that the left has perpetrated on the world will be far, FAR worse than covid itself ever was.

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