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RE: Debt And The Economy

in LeoFinance3 years ago

This is how the rich poor gap hurdles around like a earthquake resulting in a wider division.

Add to the fire, the pandemic. Relief funds have been tossed around like gifts on an Oprah set. Don’t get me wrong, people needed help fast- it was necessary. But, here in Canada the first few waves of Gov funding was given on a trust system. People in poverty, who didn’t qualify for the assistance, applied and received the help. Of course they did! Humans will do what they need to survive.

Now, with the various financial relief aids, Canada has falling into a deep deficit again.

The poor are still poor. Poorer now, with having to pay the money back.

The rich are still rich. Richer now, with the truckloads of money they made from the poor who were given chunks of money and were forced To stay inside with nothing to do but shop online.

But wait! Let’s not forget that debt of a country is the debt of the poor. So, the blue collar working person will pay back the big man while the rich companies avoid taxes with the plethora of tactics employed.

The gap widens.

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