
You should create your own fork where those with no stake earn 90% of the rewards. That way if you want more rewards, instead of investing you can just make a new account! I'm sure it would be really popular.

Time will settle this question, at some point.

While I am asking things, how is it that people that buy delegations can make a profit?
Voting sock puppets is the only way I see, but I'm sure I missed something.

While I am asking things, how is it that people that buy delegations can make a profit?

Simple, the delegation is less than the earning potential, but there is a risk they will make less.

Voting sock puppets is the only way I see, but I'm sure I missed something.

Multi account has always been a exploit to many issues.

IF they vote sock puppets they get both halves of the vote thereby being able to offer up to 1/2 the delegation's value in kickback?

If this is just vote selling by another tactic, why do we put up with it?
They shut down retail vote selling, but wholesaling them is still ok?

If you see someone doing it, let me know and I will take care of it. You are talking about an edge case that isn't the norm and will be adjusted if identified. That's like saying people stab people with knives, so let's get rid of them.

I'd more likely seek the source of the desire to do the stabbing.
Too many of our children's first lesson in life is do as you are told, or consequences, so it only logically flows that when the kid gets into a position of power they get to dish out the consequences.

But, back to the no effort rewards being gained from the pool intended to reward continual effort, it strikes me as odd that folks that would fork the chain to put an end to piecemeal vote selling would just magically be ok with doing it through dlease.
As if that somehow changes the nature of counterfeiting the efforts of authentic creation/curation.

Now that hbd pays more than curation anyways, I expected to see more movement from the pool to the sidelines.

it strikes me as odd that folks that would fork the chain to put an end to piecemeal vote selling would just magically be ok with doing it through dlease.

I do not support dlease and what they do, especially since he stole the money on Steem and caters to them as well.