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RE: Too Bearish and too Bullish

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I managed to buy some hive with my HBD at 2.5 to a 2.8 range several days last week. When I saw it turn for the last two days I bought some of my HBD back with Hive at 1.5 to 1.7 range. Not big trades just 1 or 2 HBD at a time buying and selling both ways.

I want to get a liquid pool of both HIVE and HBD around 100 so I can make bigger plays in the future, but still continue to grow my accounts for Hive staked and HBD in savings.

I am still pretty amazed at starting with nothing basically and having 11,000 staked HIVE and earning 20-22 Hive a week just looking at and reading post on Hive. I am not much of a content creator, never really have been, but I still like to read, look and listen to hive post.


It is a good deal for sure - I trades a bit of HIVE back to HBD too - after swapping the other way over the last few weeks.

I really hope that in a few years from now, that stake will be 20k, earning 40 HIVE and bringing in 200 in value for you weekly :)

that would be a nice retirement supplement. If I ever get all these medical bills paid, I may be able to invest in a few years.

Considering - I have been unlucky with health and the need for medical things, but lucky I live in places it is largely covered. There are still costs of being ill that have taken a heavy toll through life, but that is another story.

It never ends the health things, at least the hospitals and doctors are willing to work with people when they can not afford to pay.

The time spent for doctor visits and having to go to get meds, does take a lot out of enjoying a day.

Are you getting used to your cpap thing for sleeping? Just one more of those take the joy out of the day or night things. I look forward to the day I can get at least a 5 hour stretch of uninterrupted sleep, and not have to get up and pee, the doc says maybe in a year for that to happen if the meds work.

There is all the time illness takes, but at least in my case, I think the biggest impact has been on my energy and I have no idea what effects it has had on my motivations and abilities other than "significant".

CPAP is going well and I feel more rested in the morning. It is a bit uncomfortable at the moment as it is so warm at night in our house with the weather being Finnish hot, but I am coping.

On the pee thing - my father-in-law used to take medication for it and about two years ago got a CPAP machine for snoring/sleep apnea and now, doesn't need to get up at all to pee.

I hope the meds will help me.

Our weather has been yo-yo'ing hot one day then cold the next yesterday (Monday) was 12C and today we were at 22C. I know what you mean about to hot at night, I look forward to the cooler days for sleeping.