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RE: Alien Worlds - The metaverse reawakens and is on a clear mission

in LeoFinance3 years ago

If you are using basic mining tools like the shovel that gets you low mining rewards, but you can mine more often - like 10/15 minutes or so. I am using some better mining tools and I am mining on one account at 1-hour intervals and on another at 2 hours intervals. Thus it is not as often and simply click less during the day, no big effort. You can have much stronger tools which will require mining more at bigger intervals.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Oh OK it does sound interesting.

Although TBH I'm quite reluctant to move any funds out of Splinterlands ATM - doesn't seem a great deal of point, I think this is the place to be!

That is true, but I think is worth at least giving it a try. Simply try the game, do some shovel mining and you can see it from there if it is worth it... or if Splinterlands is enough, you cannot lose with it!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta