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RE: All That Blood On The Streets And The Plan

in LeoFinance3 years ago

i did, i think that is why it dipped :)

it all depends why are you buying. at the moment if nothing changes i am buying to hodl for well long period of time. if we get the "speculated" bull run till the end of the year i will probably sell some for fun.
If you are investing for a quick profit, things that happened today are devastating. If you overextended and invested more then you should, things that happened today are scary.


I got panicked in the morning somehow. I backed my bnb to BUSD when it was going down to 420 USD and then bought back my bnb because I need to do some yeild farming. Lost 30$ in the process. Price was moving way quickr smh.

i am not a trader nor crypto expert but panicking usually don't end well. I kinda just watched it drop :)

moving it to stable then buying in could end up good but you really need to time it and kinda be lucky.

Yep, would have waited for a while.

I didn't buy anything these days, so I'm safe 😀

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