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RE: David Versus Goliath

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I'm all for taking down big giants that just cash grab from themselves and try to do shady crap to make a buck. However the call to buy doge I think just screwed a lot of people over. You're talking about a coin that had billions of coins sitting around in wallets that people honestly just cashed out on. I guess that is up to each investor though to know what they are doing. It's unfortunate not many people are smart with their money.


Many people said the same thing about Bitcoin when it was at a dollar. Those same people are now buying. The network effect is very real.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah I am not into the DOGE game. There is a bandwagon forming but I can see that not working out well.

Also, I agree, I think few are crying for Wall Street.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta