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RE: We Still Have Plenty Of Voting Power To Use Each Day

in LeoFinance3 years ago

It's sad but lets be honest I bet there was a time in our lives we where the same way. Running and chasing after riches. Teenage years or what have you. A majority of people are this way it's honestly human nature to do so.

However I want to challenge anyone reading this right now to buckle down and work as hard if not harder than before with posting, commenting, research and building community for the next year. Well a year might be a little long for some people so let's say the next month. Then take a look back and see if it was all worth it.

You see myself and others (who have commented here) are committed we know that putting in the time is important now as it was when things rallied. It's why your bitcoin investment and earnings from 2013 have ballooned into millions. It's not overnight riches, it's not sexy and you have to stop trying to chase the dream. It's very real and possible with continuous work, investing, time and energy even more so when things are down.

In fact for any of you that are developers right now is a critical time to start building, testing and getting ready for a staged and massive launch of your project. Put in the work now while the markets are low so you're ready to crush it when they rally!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


However I want to challenge anyone reading this right now to buckle down and work as hard if not harder than before with posting, commenting, research and building community for the next year. Well a year might be a little long for some people so let's say the next month. Then take a look back and see if it was all worth it.

A good challenge to put out there. Maybe do it as a post and see what type of response you get. Ask for posts updating things in 30 days.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta