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RE: We Still Have Plenty Of Voting Power To Use Each Day

in LeoFinance3 years ago

True and logical what you say. I am so envious of those who can write about this crypto world. I'm sorry for those who can and don't do it. Although I know that the moment must be used, I have a blockage in writing, I consider that I don't understand the phenomenon enough (my wallet proves it) so that I can have opinions. I try my small contribution by doing daily curation that can benefit those who post, as you said.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Fortunately writers block tends not to hit comments. Even if you are stuck with blog posts, comment like there is no tomorrow. That will get in engaged and also get you earning some tokens.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the advice, I know it's the best.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta