
In THIS ORDER! Crypto is not a place for secure value at the moment because it is so volatile. That doesn't mean you cannot dollar cost average, but GOLD SILVER CRYPTO is the order for me.

Ah, I guess I am screwed then! I have zero gold. I might be picking up some silver soon though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Silver is a great start. Stack some of it as it's pretty cheap and serves as an industrial metal as well as a currency.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am going to use some of my BTC that I have been mining to purchase some silver I think. I just need to wait for the price to come back up a bit on BTC.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well I would leave the BTC to be honest I'm saying convert whatever extra fiat to those assets. Keep your crypto in that category.

I gotcha.