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RE: Bitcoin tipping challenge: guess the price of Bitcoin and win 10 Hive

in LeoFinancelast year

I was pretty shocked to see the price almost touching $30K. It is a welcome sight after a long crypto winter. I wonder if this is finally a thaw or if we are going to get bitten.


Currently at almost $30,700, incredible :) I also wonder it this is already an actual uptrend or just a bull trap :) Btw feel free to drop your prediction here ;)

My chart still shows it at $29896. So that is what I am going to go with. I am going to say $29,850

Really? This is what CoinGecko shows...

Bez názvu.png

Anyway, it does look promising. Thanks for joining this guessing challenge, good luck :)

I use Live Coin Watch because I don't have to hit the refresh button for it to update. It just topped $30K on there.