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RE: The "Great Resignation" Is Taking Place

in LeoFinance3 years ago

This past year has definitely push a lot of people to their breaking point. I know we had quite a few retirements at the end of this school year that I wasn't really expecting. I think if we have to go through even a fraction of what we went through this year, next year we will see even more retirements. For teachers especially this whole remote thing isn't what they signed up for. Perhaps the new blood can adapt to it better.

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Education is going to undergo a massive shift. It is best for the old timers to get out because they are pretty much useless in what is coming.

I am not sure it is at the non university level but education is going remote, online, and specific. We already see drops in college enrollment which is a great thing. That is also a slavery system.

Education, along with construction and healthcare, are industries that didnt change a great deal over the last 40 years (longer than that but you get my point). This is going to change.

The next 15-20 years will see a complete upending of those industries. Just thing about how retail changed.

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Good thing I am in tech. Remote relies on that a ton. My wife does SEL stuff, so she should be pretty cool too. As long as parents keep traumatizing their kids she will have a job.

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